Thursday, May 14, 2009

Alternative Open Source -- Open House

Just read a news 民宿免費 單車族最愛「倒地鈴」 that someone provides a "free hospitality" to those bicycle riders who try to travel around the Taiwan island just by bicycle.

This place is in rural area, and therefore not everyone will be easily access this location. The original motivation of the space provider, a 70 year-old man, is that he was asked by a couple of rider about a place to stay overnight. He provided a place which original had a space with cover, basic electricity, tools for cooking, a couple of beds, and some furniture and appliances. The riders returned the favor that they helped this man to renovate this place -- wall whitewashing, wall tiling, wood chopping, fence building, etc. And now, this place becomes more and more popular to bicycle riders, and we can expect that this place will become a full-furnished, well-equipped building very soon.

This is exactly the concept of "Open Source" -- someone provide a starting point, and people around contribute their effort to build a complete solution.

Even a 70-year old ordinary guy can understand this, why not the Forbes-listed millionaires ?

1 comment :

e signatures said...

Implementation of new web applications depends on state of mind and not on age. Take it for granted, word of big mother !